Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Mr. Ashish Vaidya extends hands to Inspiration Unlimited.

Mr Ashish Vaidya extends hands to Inspiration unlimited as a writer and an active supporter. He talks at the Inspiration Unlimited Launch event and sets the stage on fire.

He made a very strong point to the audience about not considering surrendering to someone as a defeat, at least not when you are being lead and mentored by someone.

His talk attracted huge applauds from all and a strong message was hence taken by the audience.

He is a tech star, with extremely strong technical abilities, besides which he is also a real HERO and an inspiration in himself, owing to his actions and deeds.

We wish him all the progress in all that he does.

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

The launch of the Astrix Inc at the Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine Launch event

A C language training company that featured it's launch at the Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine launch! Started by 5 Engineering students. This venture is expected to do good.

IU takes pride in providing a platform for their growth and congratulates them for their efforts and looks forward to see them as a growing enterprise.

We are glad to let you know that within a month their facebook page has about 1000+ likes.

Support their page whether you are C fan or not:

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Women Empowerment talk By BHARATH JN

“The test for whether or not you can hold a position should not be the arrangement of your chromosomes”, says Bella Abzug. Woman is the most wonderful creation of god, who plays many vital roles; the role of a mother, a sister, a daughter & a friend as well. An epitome of patience and love, she is a boon to the society. She is also a manager who takes care of the needs of every single person in her family and the society.  But sometimes she and her talents are concealed from this huge world like a pearl in the ocean. They are concealed of fears, suppressed by odds, wrapped by constraints & blinded by few. 

Mr. Bharath JN, the marketing specialist at Inspiration Unlimited, handles a women empowerment talk in the outskirts of Bangalore for the age group of 20-60. This young Indian of 23, marched forward with a hope to create a difference, to inspire, to make them stronger and to raise a ray of hope and develop optimism to step out of the limits to live their dreams.

More than 500 women lend their ears for more than 3 hours, amazed with his mistle words and moral stories. The talk highlighted the roles and responsibilities of a woman in the society and concluded on a strong note ,'one need not be necessarily literate to hold a position and train kids, the requirement is just to practice what you preach...the right values, ethics and morals.

IU salutes Mr Bharath JN for his commendable work for the upliftment of women in the society

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

Inspiration Unlimited - 20-11 - 20-11 Launch of Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine!

The 20th day of the 11th month of the year 2011 is a very special date said the astrologers across the world. It was not just special but a fantabulous day for Inspiration Unlimited.

The event commenced with a stunningly marvelous talk by Er Sujit Lalwani, Founder and Chairman of Inspiration Unlimited, who inspired 400 souls from more than 20 colleges to not just build their dreams but to envision and achieve them all.

The mega talk was followed by the introduction of two budding authors from 9th standard Aparna and Ananya, to the world. These kids were a part of leadership club conducted at KLE international school by Ms.Basanthi Vaishnav, an IU representative and Debate club head, Bangalore (India). When these kids struggled to portray their talents to the world, IU gave them a platform of recognition, saluting their indomitable spirit and talent.

Astrix Inc., a company formed by 6 students from Brindavan College under the guidance of Bharath JN, an IU representative, was showcased to the world. A start up, spreading the knowledge and helping the fellow students to learn C language not only its syntax but even the hard and core logic; to make everyone get the culture of writing C programs with Beta efficiency.

The most awaited e-magazine with more than 250+ subscribers from 18 countries, a to be sensation, Inspiration unlimited; The 'No Gossips, All positive' e-Magazine was successfully launched. The first ever All Positive Newsletter that keeps you extremely informed and inspired. "Inspiration through information”.

The day indeed shaped up the lives of many and triggered others to achieve their dreams. Many inspired, many mindsets changed, the right seeds of values, ethics and morals were sown. There is not even an inch of doubt that in the coming years there will success stories lined up to inspire more and to bring in more leaders, who will be capable of creating more leaders and make the world a better place to live in.

Hats off to The Inspiration Unlimited and the founder His highness Er. Sujit Lalwani for creating such an amazing platform to the people and helping them follow their heart and dreams without fear by providing mentorship.

The revolution begins!!!

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The Brain Storming session for MCA students. (Visit for more details)

By Preethi Kashyap, Bangalore.
I have heard from many, that to inspire people, indeed takes a lot of time. You need to have years of experience and so on. But my recent experience proved those claims, wrong.

IU invited it’s Lead speaker for the talk for MCA students-Sujit Lalwani. We all were waiting for the speaker’s arrival & all our eyes, were at the door, impatiently waiting for the master’s entry. A mild sound of foot steps, increased our heart beats. “Hello all” was the voice that pierced the silence and got us instantly back, to high energy levels. A charming face with a birght smile, in a white suit, surrounded with the most positive vibrations. Eyes searched and stopped at the voice, we could see the man himself, his highness Sujit Lalwani.

As he moved on with his talk, we could see each individuals coming to the edge of their seats, getting inspired with the knowledge that he holds.A lot was learnt from the talk and a gist of it has been best captured in this write up.

A large bunch of people with advices is easy to find, but when it comes to acting on what they advice for, is something that seldom happens. What was something that deeply impacted most was, “Purpose is more important than the name to which the credit is addressed. Be honest in what you do, credit shall forever follow.”

The next strong learning was: Just interest doesn’t help one achieve his goals. One has to be extremely interested. Interest changes according to the situation, So don’t just be interested.

It is important to voice out and speak, and to speak positive. Shout out your name and say the world who you are. People have got habituated to listening to negatives, that they have turned deaf towards anything positive spoken. So, speak loud!

Well, if you just scroll up, I mentioned that, to inspire you need a lot of time. But all these and more happened in a matter of just 40minutes. Conveying best of the lessons, in least of the time  is the best part about his talks. He is inspiring millions. Let’s start with one!

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Inspiration Unlimited successfully completes its Summer CAMP - "Ho-LEAD-As"

The Ho-LEAD-As Leadership Camp of Inspiration Unlimited has been a great hit. The kids took back an all round development. Leadership Skills, Public Speaking abilities, Personal training, feel good, Image theatre & a huge plethora of events is something Ho-LEAD-As was full of.

Students played a lot of creative state-of-the-art Mind sharpening games, which helped them achieve better concentration & focus levels. Students were regularly groomed on their public speaking abilities & it was found that the results were fantabulous.

We look forward to touching & moulding more lives next Holidays at Ho-LEAD-As!!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

LEAD has been lead in the best way it could have been!

The most awaited LEAD sessions have taken off in a big way. The last weekend sessions on 23rd and 24th were an omen for what is to come for Inspiration Unlimited - A big bang. The entire team of participants were really enthusiastic and strong to take the sessions deep into them.

They have been a boon to the dreams of every participant and not a set of sessions which just turn out to be theory. Lot of action has been the result of these two days. They have been sessions which have been able to provide a common ground for everyone's different desires and dreams.

The sessions tuned in well with the fact that - People are different and all dreams must have a place in this world.

Everybody was gifted a set of cards - with the world's most powerful and impactive quotes. The trainer at the session Sujit Lalwani has done a phenomenal job as well.

Welcoming the comments of all the participants to put in their reviews - as to what they have taken from here.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

LEAD - Leadership Empowerment And Development Programme

Bharath J N: 96201 59757 ;
Bharath GC: 78294 14616 ;

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

Summer Camp for kids from 5th to 10th Graders! - Ho-LEAD-As!

This summer for the kids it would not be summer holidays, it would be summer Ho-LEAD-As. An out of the box summer camp.

At Inspiration Unlimited we have always believed in helping students inculcate leadership, better perceptions, values, socializing skills, fearlessness, self-leadership & discipline & a voice of their own – a demand of every parent & every nation. Continuing this vision we launch an Out of the Box Summer Camp –

       Empowerment - Developing the intellect of the students & helping them rise to better perception levels for better judgement & decision making.

       Mind power - Developing Creative & Lateral thinking.

       People skills - Helping students enhance their understanding of people through group discussions, & help them be able to reflect that “different people have different perceptions.”

       Comprehension power & Spontaneity - Helping students acquire the ability of comprehending videos, reading material & audios to derive & extract required stuff out of them & relate to their daily lives.

       Skills Development – Training Games & activities everyday to serve above objectives like outspokenness, extrovert nature, emotional intelligence & more…

       Home Décor Art An out of the box art that promises to teach Ashtaganesha – An out of the box innovative art worth learning & once in a lifetime creation.

       This camp will include an out of the box Project idea –
An out of the box project to encourage the habit of learning about the neighborhood, which would go a long way in helping the kid build a mini diverse social network in his own neighborhood & an understanding of his neighborhood for his day-to-day life. This step is in response to innumerous complaints of parents, that their kids do not mingle much with the neighbors and the similar complaints about the neighbors, who are less interested to interact with the people in the same street. Why not we initiate a project where we spend a weekend to know our own neighborhood! Watch out your kid as he interacts with this neighborhood and startles you with the statistics. We bet you wouldn’t know about your neighborhood as much your kid would very soon.

        V1- A documentary of interview of a science legend, followed by a brainstorming session of lessons and perceptions. A mind-boggling discussion to take an insight into every lesson & derive very strong positive lessons for one’s life.
        V2 – Movie to project the scope of Internet & current status of INTERNET, to lay a firm foundation on a hope for scope of achieving breakthroughs for forthcoming generation.
        V3 – An intriguing journey into MEDIEVAL TIME CREATIONS which last even today, to instill attitudes of being able  to appreciate “TIME, Continuity & CHANGE”.
        V4, V5 – To take them through a journey of out of the world technologies and engineering creations to inspire them to take science & technology as passion not as a fashion.
        V6, V7 – EXPLORING NATURE & UNIVERSE - To instill the perceptions of deriving deep studies from the environment around, and be able to reflect it deeply. E.g: study of ants & behavior.

Together these videos will do a phenomenal job of instilling a strong inquisitive nature in kids & help them develop keen interest in observation & derivation from things around.

·         Training Activities & Games
Through the training activities & games – development of  creative & lateral thinking shall be achieved along with instilling leadership, team spirit, reflecting abilities, perception growth, breaking the inhibiting mindsets which stop an individual’s growth which are taken over from the surroundings.

      Materials provided & ECONOMICs:
The following material for Home décor sessions shall be provided.
       2 packets M-seal per student, Beetle nuts, Paint, Tissue (cloth type), Other necessary accessories. Few accessories will have to brought from home, Which would be informed during the camp.

·         Date & Timing: Would be announced!


Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

Upcoming Events! LEAD - Leadership Empowerment And Development Programme!

Take a LEAP with LEAD-Leadership Empowerment And Development Programme!
An "Out of the Box Programme to Bring YOU Out of the BOX!"

OBJECTIVE: This programme is going to consist of 4+1 Board Room Sessions/Workshops which would encompass various topics ranging from Self Branding, Leadership, Empowerment, Success Principles, Life Educaiton, Marketing, e-Marketing, Real-time Networking & Lots more.

Layout: The sessions have been spread over 3 weekends on the following dates:

Timing: 2pm - 8pm on all days with the break up as follows:
Max. 20 people would be entertained for the session. To closely mould the 20 individuals into leaders.

Speaker: Sujit Lalwani, for all sessions. We look forward to helping you avail a great experience & help you a take a real leap in life.

Bharath J N: 96201 59757 ;
Bharath GC: 78294 14616 ;

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

Welcome to IU News!

The Inspiration Unlimited Firm was founded on 23rd April 2009. We are overwhelmed to launch the Inspiration Unlimited News Blog, as we come close to completing 1 year of successful journey, filled with growth, accomplishments & visions, having undertaken various projects like:

*Inspiring Minds sessions at KLE International School, Bangalore.
*Inspirational Talks at various institutes listed below.
  • BMS College Of Engineering.
  • NITK Suratkal.
  • Kathmandu Nepal (5 Institutes put together)
  • How to Live Happy Married Life for over 50 couples from age group 30-50.
  • KLE Law College, Bangalore.
  • KLE Hotel Management College.
  • KLE International School, Bangalore.
  • Sheshadripuram School, Bangalore.
  • St. Theresa Girls School, Bangalore.
  • St. Josephs Boys School, Bangalore.
  • ASM College, Bellary.
  • VVCE College, Mysore.
  • VVN College, Bangalore.
  • Sheshadripuram PU College, Yelahanka, Bangalore.
  • Huvina Hadagli College, Huvinahadagli Village.
  • & Many other talks.
*Training for 120 Teachers at St. Theresa School.
*Leadership Club Warmup Sessions KLE International School.
*Ho-LEAD-As - Summer Camp for School Kids.
*LEAD - 4+1 Board Room Sessions for Personal Empowerment, All Round LEAP in Career & Life.

We are glad to have undertaken these projects. We realise our ability in delivering quality sessions in Creative Thinking & Memory Techniques, Instilling Leadership & Character in High School Kids, Business Excellence Workshops, Self Empowerment Lessons & various other areas.

We look forward to inspiring more & more people around the globe and casting an impression that would leave them with Unlimited Inspiration. So, when they look back they can proudly exclaim "Inspiration Unlimited!".

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Bloggers Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.