It's your encouragement that makes us get better and better. We are giving our best to develop IU resource as a source of inspiration for the world. The vision is about 25 months old now & has reached millions of people around the globe already, impacting many lives.
We believe that inspiration is a must in lives, for, it's the inspired souls that perspire. Definitely it's true that it is 1% inspiration & 99% perspiration, but without that 1% that 99% doesn't happen. So it's our effort to help a better world happen by keeping the foundation 1% rammed well, while you are busy in your days completing your 99%. We would be glad to know and look back at our lives if we can see that we were largely responsible for that 1% quota for billions of people around the globe.
It would be a dream come true to know that people talk about us saying "If it is about inspiration rely on IU Products!". The following is our work towards the same:
1. The talks that our speakers take in various parts of the world. (www.iuindia.com)
2. The videos of the talks on the internet to help the inspiration reach masses.
3. IU eMagazine - The out of the world effort which inspires people from all walks of life. (www.iuemag.com). (The articles are now on the site for you to share and read, while the full issue contains a lot more than just the articles.)
4. www.iuquotes.com - The fantastic site for inspiring quotes. The best in it's design & utility.
5. Facebook pages: www.facebook.com/iuindia | www.facebook.com/iuemag |www.facebook.com/iuquotes
6. Twitter feed: www.twitter.com/iuworldwide | www.twitter.com/iuemagofficial
7. Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/iuindiaonline.
8. Blogs: www.iuindia.blogspot.com | www.iuemag.blogspot.com
Our initiatives that have impacted the world globally which are open for you all to follow and be a part of are as follows:
1. www.36meals.com - The initiative to promote the culture of preventing food wastage to do our bit towards the world that is victim of hunger. www.Facebook.com/36meals
2. IU Newspaper Bag initiative: The initiative to make paper bags out of newspapers to help reduce the use of plastics. www.facebook.com/iunewspaperbag
3. IU Youth 2 Children Project - The initiative to motivate youth to travel down to places with school children deprived of great education and create awareness of the modern world in sectors of education, internet, hygiene, entrepreneurship & instill values, ethics & street smartness. www.Facebook.com/iuy2c

Thank you
Sujit Lalwani
Founder & Director, IU.
www.iuindia.com | www.sujitlalwani.net
Listed in: http://www.moscowspeakers.ru/eng/speakers
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